Members of the Architectural Association are a part of an inspiring and dynamic community. AA Members globally are professionals, alumni, students, researchers and academics from many fields, who share architecture as an interest. Members are involved in the life of the AA in many ways: organising and enjoying trips and events, volunteering time and expertise and supporting students in need, as well as accessing many benefits.
AA Membership brings immediate connection with more than 5000 other Members. This is a chance to extend your sphere of contact laterally, globally and virtually. AA Membership now has the capacity to grow with you in a mutually beneficial partnership.
Head of Membership
Alex Lorente
Membership Co-ordinator
Jennifer Keiff
Membership Events Co-ordinator
Joanne McCluskey
Membership Assistant
Bobby Jewell
Member Trips
AA Members were treated to two fantastic trips abroad this year, the first a visit to the Venice Architecture Biennale where Members stayed on the island of San Georgio Maggiore and were led on a tour of the British Pavilion by co-curator Vanessa Norwood, also head of AA Exhibitions. The AArchitecture Members newsletter was also given out to visitors to the pavilion along with AA student publication Fulcrum.
Pierre Chareau’s stunning Maison de Verre was the destination for a day trip to Paris in March, Members were led on a tour of the exclusive building and also visited Corbusier’s la Maison La Roche.
A day trip to the AA’s Dorset-based campus in Hooke Park is planned for Saturday 29 June to see the newly completed new student accommodation building and Caretaker's House.
Tickets are still available, please contact if you are interested.