A key moment at Hooke Park this year was the completion of the new Caretaker’s House. After years of living on site in temporary housing, the Corry Wright family are now the inhabitants of a house designed by AA students (2009–10 Intermediate 2), executed by Invisible Studio and primarily constructed using timber from the Hooke Park woodland.
Elsewhere, a number of student groups have used the 2012 Big Shed assembly-workshop for construction-scale projects, and Design & Make students – who are residents in Dorset – constructed the first student lodge. The current cohort are designing a timber-seasoning shelter. The next accommodation lodge is set for construction this summer.
The series of visiting schools at Hooke Park has continued to grow. In addition to the established Maeda Workshop, SummerMake and MakeLAB programmes, LociMake worked with local steam-bending craftspeople, and the DLAB summer programme now includes a visit to Hooke Park.
Following the appointment of Jez Ralph, who manages the estate and development operations, Hooke Park has become increasingly connected with local organisations and groups such as Forest Schools. A bluebell open day was held in the spring, and continuing track works will provide improved access to timber resources.
Bruce Hunter Inglis, Hooke Park’s administrator, plans to retire at the end of this academic year. With a long involvement at Hooke Park, Bruce has played a vital role in keeping the operation running during the early phases of the site’s development, and the team wishes him well.
Martin Self
Estate Manager
Jez Ralph
Bruce Hunter Inglis
Merry Hinsley
Workshop Manager
Charlie Corry Wright
Workshop Supervisor
Edward Coe
Chris Sadd
Georgie & Tia Corry Wright
Student Lodge
The Student Lodge forms a new 4-bedroom accommodation building for residential students. It was designed and built by the 2011-12 Design & Make cohort.
Photos by Valerie Bennett